onsdag 22. september 2010

Iron Maiden

Iron Maiden is maybe the worlds most famous and beloved heavy metal band. Iron maiden were established in London the year 1975 by the bass player Steve Harris and, in my opinion, the best guitarist ever walked on earth; Dave Murray. The first five year with "the irons" was a bit at sea and the band changed members at the drop of the hat. Finally  in 1980 the band had found itself a sustainable and fitting group and they released their first album called "IRON MAIDEN". This album was a hit in the UK and it reached beyond their wildest dreams!

Iron Maiden continued making very famous albums through the 80's, but in the beginning of 90's some of the band members left the band to work with different solo albums and such. After this, the band was a bit amputated. They released two albums which was a bit too much unlike themselves and unfortunately a lost ball in the high weeds. The fans lost a bit interest and maybe a bit respect for "the irons", however after a long row to the hoe they managed to make an average album (in my opinion) which was given the name " A Matter Of Life And Death", released in 2006. Although this album were released after the old band members got back into the starting line.
Maiden will never be as good as they were during the 80's, nevertheless they still travel the world sharing with us great concerts and marvelous stage shows. I'll never forget how good they were live at Lerkendal Stadium in 2008!
"The irons" are still going strong and living like they were still 18. But as a wise man said;   A fool at 40, is a fool forever!

English in my everyday

I think English affects us in many different ways, at least the young part of our community. People could be introduced to English through for example the internet and through video games. Also through our americanized tv-channels, you could watch different series which are mostly produced in the USA.

I don't, honestly, look at any series on the television, so for me the last one do almost not affect me at all. Although I do watch some English spoken movies from time to time.

I think I get most influenced by English listening to music, 'cause you can almost not find any music today which are not in English (at least not good music).

Also some of the information you find in for example a user manual, may be in English.

The world today have developed in a direction were English have taken more and more place in peoples everyday (whether you like it or not). So I'll recommend all young people today to pay attention in their English class, 'cause what is sure, is that it ain't  going to be any less of it!

tirsdag 21. september 2010

Butterflies; my opinion of the analysis

I have just read the short story "Butterflies" written by Patrica Grace. After reading the story I did also got handed out an analysis of this text. I think that the analysis was very well written and it helped me getting a bit of an overview of the plot in "Butterflies". It is a good analysis 'cause it has a good introduction which makes me want to read the full text and it's build up very well, making the paragraphs "cooperate". The analysis do also summon up and reflect very well over the "conflict" in the text,  making it easy for the reader to step into the life of the main characters. 

From this analysis i could learn how to structure an analysis in the future and maybe how to write the content and  how to merge the text together in a good way. 

mandag 20. september 2010


My name is Alexander and I'm just another normal teenager boy. In my leisure I'm playing football, training Brazilian Jujitsu, playing guitar and hanging along with my friends. My life is actually a bit monotonous (to be honest) and my day routine is something like this; eat, go to school, come home and eat, do homework, train, eat some more, meet friends (if it's more time to spend) and finally go to bed! 

I do also love music, but I'm a bit picky and I abhor pop, hip hop, techno, etc... I use to say that the music died in the 90's. As you now probably understand, I'm one of those "old" heavy rockers who claim that music would never be the same as in the 80's.

Well, that was i bit about me. Hope you enjoyed it!